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The importance of steel lintel compliance

Stock of Steel lintels in a warehouse

After some spectacular building failures across New South Wales in recent years, the NSW government announced a major increase in the powers and resources of the NSW Building Commission to crack down on poor building practices and non-compliance last year.

Steel Lintels are one of the products under the microscope, as many builders have been using non-compliant products as a penny-pinching strategy. But what many fail to recognise is that saving a few dollars on an inferior product can cost you big in the long run.

By investing in quality products and ensuring lintel compliance, you can be sure your building (and reputation) stays strong for years to come.

Steel Lintel compliance: Australian standards

Steel Lintels are a vital part of any building, providing structural support, load bearing, and even aesthetic appeal to openings such as doors and windows.

The Australian Building Codes Board outlines the National Construction Codes for lintels, which cover issues related to size, installation, weight-bearing, and corrosion protection requirements.

It is requisite that manufacturers who supply steel lintels comply with Australian standards, which involve everything from manufacturing processes and testing to the labelling of steel lintels. However, many manufacturers do not follow these requirements, putting consumers at risk.

The importance of steel lintel coating

Using steel lintels that don’t comply with Australian standards can have disastrous consequences. The corrosion protection requirements are of particular importance when choosing products, as non-compliant lintels have an increased potential for corrosion.

Any sort of corrosion on a lintel or other structural steel used in a building project can have catastrophic consequences, as any corrosion will progressively deteriorate the material, expanding and impacting the structural integrity of what it is supporting.

According to the National Construction Codes, lintels must have a specific coating based on their durability class (see table).

Steel Lintels

Australian-made lintels at Edcon Steel

The team at Edcon Steel takes Australian Standards seriously, and we only stock products that meet Australian compliance standards. We stock a wide range of lintels by Galintel®, Australia’s leading designer and manufacturer of high-quality steel lintel bars, including angle equal steel lintels and angle unequal steel lintels.

Galintel® are the experts in the development and compliance of lintel products to meet Australian building needs, and are approved by housing authorities and local government bodies in all states.

While many steel lintels on the market will have a lower price point, particularly the imported products that are flooding the market, it is likely they do not meet compliance requirements,

But when investing your hard-earned money into any building project, pay attention to the quality and product compliance of the building materials being used, as they play a crucial role in maintaining its structural integrity and your reputation.

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