Steel industry associations

As the cornerstone of Australia’s construction and infrastructure sectors, the steel industry is a vital contributor to employment, innovation and economic prosperity across Australia.
Edcon Steel is proud to be part of Australia’s steel industry and is a member of several industry bodies that support, sustain and advocate for the sector.
By being an active member of such associations, Edcon Steel ensures that it is across current market events, abreast of all training and accreditations and that it stays up-to-date with any changes within the industry.

Australian Steel Institute
The Australian Steel Institute (ASI) is a peak body in the Australian steel industry, representing businesses throughout the entire steel supply chain – from the major Australian steel manufacturing mills through steel distributors, fabricators, specifiers and manufacturing end-users.
The mission of the ASI is to encourage the utilisation of Australian steel and to improve competitiveness within the local market, in order to influence growth and profitability.
As a member, Edcon Steel benefits from the marketing and technical leadership of the institute, its policy advocacy to government and its focus on the economic, environmental and social sustainability of the sector.
Edcon Steel has been a proud member of the Australian Steel Institute since its inception. In that time we have been actively involved in many of the issues facing our industry and its future.
Read more information about the Australian steel industry.

Australian Stainless Steel Development Association
Edcon Steel is also a member of the Australian Stainless Steel Development Association (ASSDA), a non-profit industry organisation that helps support, grow and defend the stainless steel market in Australia.
As the stainless steel industry has experienced extraordinary growth in the past century – with global production increasing at a growth rate of 5.5% year-on-year for the past 70 years – ASSDA has fostered this growth within the Australian market.
Edcon Steel is happy to say we have been part of this growth and our commitment to this great material has been well supported by our customers across all our branches. We are glad to have the educational support and technical assistance we receive from this dedicated association.

Weld Australia
Weld Australia (formerly known as the Welding Institute of Australia) is an organisation that represents the welding profession in Australia.
Edcon Steel joins a large group of members, made up of individual welding professionals and companies that are involved in almost every aspect of the Australian industry.
With a goal of ensuring Australia’s welding industry remains competitive in both local and global markets, Weld Australia is dedicated to providing its members with access to research, education and training, engineering services, certification and advocacy.

Business NSW
Edcon began as a family business with a small-business attitude. And it’s still a big part of who we are. That’s why we are proud to be a member of Business NSW – an independent, not-for-profit organisation focused on the wellbeing of the business community.
As an advocate of businesses in the state, Business NSW advocates for business at the highest levels, acting as an authoritative voice in the public domain, motivating governments and decision-makers to ensure businesses have the opportunity to grow and move forward.
We’re here to help
As an active and engaged member of the steel industry in Australia, Edcon Steel is here to help all our customers. We’re Australia’s most comprehensive online steel and metal superstore and we know our customers appreciate our service and stockholding.
You can visit our online store, or get in touch with our team for all your steel and metal needs.
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