1045 Peeled Round Bar is a 1045 Grade Steel commonly known as a ”medium tensile steel”. These medium tensile steels are used in applications which require a higher strength or wear resistance than a low carbon or ”mild steel”. 1045 grade steels are suitable for induction and flame hardening. Care must be taken when welding 1045 steels – you should consult a welding specialist before welding. 1045 steels are used various machinery and engineering applications. Commonly stocked in round bars ONLY.
Need some inspiration? Check out our customer projects
St Dominic’s Yarning Circle
The innovative design concept of the Yarning Circle helped to transform an unused outdoor space into a central meeting hub for the school community at St Dominic’s College in Sydney.
From the workshop benches to the materials used on the train, Edcon was there to provide the quality steel and metal needed to restore the 3801 steam train.